How exactly should children of different ages take care of their teeth?
Children's milk teeth are often fragile, and if they are not carefully cared for, they are prone to tooth decay and tooth loss, and many parents worry about this and often ask their doctors how to properly care for their children's teeth. In order for parents to further understand the importance of dental care and what they should do at each age to best protect their children's teeth, today I'm going to educate you about the focus of dental care for children at different ages.
The first is after birth to two years old, the child's milk teeth have not yet fully grown, so this stage of care is relatively simple, only need to use soft clean gauze, disposable children's hand and mouth soft wipes and other daily cleaning can be
The second stage is the age of two to three years old, when the child's milk teeth have grown out, this stage should be cleaned with a special toothpaste containing less fluoride and the softest toothbrush for children. Since the child's gums are delicate at this time, it is important not to brush vigorously to prevent bleeding gums.
Around the age of 3, parents can teach their children how to clean their own teeth properly through hands-on demonstrations and other means. When a food-embedded toothbrush cannot be cleaned, use children's dental floss to clean the gaps.
Do not swallow toothpaste to avoid accidentally swallowing too much toothpaste and possible adverse reactions and other conditions.
After the age of 3 and up to about 12 years old, permanent teeth will come in succession, and milk teeth will gradually fall out, which is a critical period for children's dental growth and jaw development. In addition to regular dental cleaning, parents should pay special attention to their children's skeletal development. If you find that your child's teeth are not growing neatly or are misshapen, you must go to the dental hospital first, because the effect of orthodontic intervention and treatment at this stage is the greatest.
The last stage is after 12 years old until adult, when the baby teeth are basically replaced and the early replacement molars need to be prevented from caries because of the deep sockets.
Apart from the developmental problems of the teeth and jaw surface, if the above steps are strictly followed, children can have healthy teeth if they are properly maintained on a daily basis. We hope that parents and friends will not take it lightly, and let's work together for the dental health of our children!

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