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How exactly should children of different ages take care of their teeth?
Children's milk teeth are often fragile, and if they are not carefully cared for, they are prone to tooth decay and tooth loss, and many parents worry about this and often ask their doctors how to properly care for their children's teeth. In order for parents to further understand the importance of dental care and what they should do at each age to best protect their children's teeth, today I'm going to educate you about the focus of dental care for children at different ages.
Dentistry: from rough to smart revolution
Teeth are the hardest organ of human beings and one of the most troublesome. Dentistry has undergone numerous "polishing" transformations, from the initial manual operation based on experience to the present intelligent treatment by means of electronic high technology, from the past focus on removing worms and treating diseases to the present multifunctional combination of prevention and treatment of dental diseases and medical aesthetics, the development has not stopped.

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